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Personal Injury

Posted On November 27, 2019 Personal Injury

Considerations Before Changing Your Personal Injury Attorney

As your personal injury case comes along, there may be events that make you reconsider your choice of attorney.

Maybe you feel you are not being represented well, or that the fees charged

by your attorney are not worth the services being provided. Maybe your lawyer misled you as to when the case would be resolved.

Whatever your reasons for wanting a change of legal scenery, California law is clear. You are allowed to change attorneys at any point throughout Read More

Posted On November 27, 2019 Pain & Suffering,Personal Injury

How Do California Lawyers Calculate Pain and Suffering?

If you’ve suffered a serious injury, you likely have to deal with more than medical bills.

You also suffer from lost wages, psychological scars, and so much more. While nothing can make that pain go away, you might be eligible for compensation for your pain and suffering.

First, though, you need to know the answer to, “How do insurance companies determine pain and suffering?”

Pain and Suffering 101: What Is Pain and Suffering?

Before answering the question, “How do lawyers Read More

Posted On November 27, 2019 Pain & Suffering,Personal Injury

California Pain and Suffering Caps: Impact on Your Personal Injury Case

California pain and suffering

Although it’s tough to say exactly how much your pain is worth, that’s precisely what your lawyer will try to determine in your personal injury case.

Let’s go over a few basic points about pain and suffering damages in California

and why they can have a huge impact on your case’s final payout.

Is there a cap on pain and suffering damages in California?

Pain and suffering” falls under “non-economic” damages. Courts award non-economic damages to Read More

Posted On November 27, 2019 Lawyers,Personal Injury

Why You Should See a Doctor Immediately After Your Accident

After you’ve been in an accident, it’s vital that you visit a medical expert—

not just for your own health and wellbeing, but also so that all of your injuries

can be documented for future insurance claims.

Skipping this crucial step—even if you feel fine—could cost you big in the future.

What Happens if I Don’t See a Doctor After a Crash?

As it turns out, refusing to see a doctor after your crash or injury

is one of the Read More

Posted On November 27, 2019 Personal Injury,Redlands

7 Secrets of Choosing the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Redlands

When it comes to your personal injury case,

the most important piece of the puzzle is your Inland Empire personal injury lawyer.

The difference between a good attorney and a mediocre attorney is like night and day. You need a lawyer who’s willing to fight for you, winning you the highest payout possible in the process.

But how do you separate the great lawyers from the bad ones? Well, that’s exactly what today’s post is going to cover.

1. Find Read More

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