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Case Results

Client Recovers $750,000 from Accident

The Situation:

Our client was involved in an accident that at first seemed to only cause soft tissue injuries and bruising. Her case was deemed “too small” for a large firm so they recommended she work with us.

How We Helped:

By ensuring she got the necessary care to recover, we discovered the accident damaged tissue around a reconstructive implant she had a result of breast cancer. We worked with her plastic surgeon to prove the hidden wound was caused by the accident and the source of a life-threatening infection resulting in multiple procedures. We were able to connect all the dots to build a compelling case.

The Result: $750,000

Confidential Six-Figure Settlement

The Situation:

Our client’s bumper was clipped by a national delivery company truck making an unsafe lane change on the freeway, causing our client to spin out of control and into a guard rail. Our client sustained a neck, back and knee injuries along with severe post-concussion symptoms.

How We Helped:

We helped our client get the best medical attention possible, working with him for nearly two years to identify with top appropriate specialists to deal with his complicated continuing issues.  His care not only helped his recovery from the injuries, but also built his case to prove the extent of the damages caused by the at-fault driver.

Result: Confidential Six-Figure Settlement

Confidential Six-Figure Settlement

The situation:

Our client was abused by a trusted physician.

How we helped:

we helped our client heal deep emotional wounds by getting professional therapy and recovered a maximum confidential settlement agreement.

The result: Confidential Six-Figure Settlement

Client Recovers $250,000 from Commercial Vehicle Accident

The Situation:

Out client’s vehicle was hit by a small commercial vehicle that made an unsafe left turn at an intersection. Our client’s vehicle was thrown into a public utility box alongside the road and came to a crashing stop. As a result, our client sustained a facial laceration and damage to her neck and back.

How We Helped:

Our client was able to quickly get in to see top medical providers to help her heal and document the extent of her damages.  We were ultimately able to recover the full amount of insurance money available.

Result: $250,000

Client Recovers $101,987 from Car Accident

The Situation:

Our client was hit by a driver who ran a red light, although the other driver and his insurance carrier disputed the light had turned red.  Our client was hit on the driver’s side, causing catastrophic damage to her vehicle and serious injuries including a fractured hip.

How we helped:

We helped our client get great medical care, while also helping track down surveillance footage to prove the other driver’s fault and show the seriousness of the accident.  We were able to recover full insurance policy limits for her bodily injuries, along with additional damages for personal property that was lost in the accident including, but not limited to, glasses, phone, clothing, and jewelry.

The result: $101,987.00

Client Recovers $100,000 from Car Accident

The Situation:

Our client was involved in an auto accident that left a scar on his forehead from the deployed airbag and received a minimal offer for his injuries.

How we helped:

After retaining our firm, our medical specialists discovered additional bodily injuries and we turned a minimal offer into a six-figure recovery.

The Result: $100,000 policy limit

Client Recovers $100,000 from Car Accident

The Situation:

Our client was involved in a multiple car collision on a busy California freeway that caused her significant injuries including disc herniations in her spine.  Unfortunately, the CHP report declared her at-fault for the accident.

How we helped:

We conducted extensive investigation, filed suit, and successfully disputed liability.  As a result of helping her get top medical care, we were able to demonstrate the extent of her injuries and the insurance company ultimately settled for the entire policy limits.

The result: $100,000

Peter P. Recovers $100,000 from His Car Accident

The Situation:

Peter suffered a rear-end collision on the freeway. Small impact, only a few thousand dollars in property damage. Peter’s own doctors said he had a slight spinal sprain, prescribed him pain meds, and sent him on his way. He was looking at a pittance from the insurance company, and why argue considering the small scope of his injuries?

How We Helped:

We got Peter a second opinion through our own network of healthcare specialists. Not so fast—the neurologist could see that Peter was suffering from a congenital spine defect—made worse by the accident. One simple MRI and a closer look at Peter’s case transformed his $5k settlement into the maximum payout the insurance company could provide.

The Result: $100,000

Ashley G. Recovers $100,000 from Her Motorcycle Accident

The Situation:

When a pickup truck pulled out of a side street in front of Ashley’s motorcycle, causing her to lay down her bike. Luckily, Ashley avoided a much worse accident. Unluckily, she suffered some minor lower back and hip strains—and received an equally minor offer of $800 from the carrier.

How We Helped:

Instead of focusing on Ashley’s more obvious injuries, we emphasized the possibility of a traumatic brain injury caused by Ashley’s head impacting the street. A second opinion from our neurologist revealed much more serious issues—brain damage—and led to recovery of Ashley’s entire available insurance amount.

The Result: $100,000

Megan R. Recovers $70,000 from Her Car Accident

The Situation:

Megan suffered a rear-end accident that many people would have walked away from without receiving compensation, made worse by the fact that the other driver was uninsured and Megan didn’t carry uninsured motorist coverage. Although the accident was making some of Megan’s existing medical conditions worse, she was just out of options.

How We Helped:

After a tough search, we managed to track down an alternate defendant for Megan’s case. After reaching a five-figure settlement, Megan began receiving payments in installments that finally helped her pay for the medical treatment she needed (and deserved).

The Result: $70,000

Client Recovered $22,000 for Construction Accident

The situation:

A commercial building supply company forced our client to load steel by himself without any protective equipment, resulting in a severe cut needing multiple stitches.

How we helped him:

We successfully recovered an amount that paid for his hospital bills and allow his family a nice Christmas.

The result: $22,000.00

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