Posted On November 27, 2019 Car Accidents
California Car Insurance
This article takes a look at how California law determines financial responsibility in regard to car accidents,
registered vehicles and car insurance, and how these laws work with insurance claims and lawsuits following a car accident.
What Does California’s “Fault” System Mean for Your Case?California determines liability for car accidents in cities like Riverside based on a “fault” system,
where drivers are financially responsible for the effects of any and all accidents that they cause.
For Read More
Posted On November 27, 2019 Car Accidents
If you can’t speak legalese, you’re not alone—let us clear up a few terms regarding California’s
car accident laws that are absolutely vital to be aware of when you’re building a personal injury case.
What Is the Statute of Limitations?Like most states, the statute of limitations in California affects all injury or death-related
car accident lawsuits in California, and is identical to the law that covers other personal injury cases.
To be more specific, the state places a two-year Read More
Posted On November 27, 2019 Car Accidents
When two cars are involved in a crash, it’s common for the insurance company of the responsible driver to pay for damages, including property, medical expenses and more.
But with more than 15 out of every 100 drivers in California uninsured, where does that leave you in the event that you’re in a collision? Who pays for damages when the other driver doesn’t have insurance?
The good news? You’re not out of options just yet.
Uninsured Motorist CoverageCar insurance Read More