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Car Accident

Just because car accidents are a common occurrence does not mean they do not have serious consequences for those involved. At Montgomery Steele Law, we understand you need someone by your side if another person caused your crash. Let us investigate your car accident so we can secure the compensation you need for what happened.

From your medical bills and lost income to pain and suffering, you deserve assistance. When you or a loved one needs a car accident attorney, we are ready to help. For legal advice and assistance, call us at (909) 310-8510.

Let Montgomery Steele Law Get To Work Today

When you need a firm to handle your personal injury claims, do not settle for someone who is only in it for a quick settlement. At Montgomery Steele Law, we put the client’s needs first.

  • We are dedicated to your case, and we will not settle for compensation that is less than what you truly deserve. Our case results speak for themselves.
  • Our law firm works hard to build trust with each client by taking the time to focus on their priorities and needs.
  • At Montgomery Steele Law, we take these cases on a contingency basis, meaning you will not pay a dime for our legal services until we recover the compensation you deserve.

Why Do You Need An Attorney?

Auto accidents are not always straightforward. Even when it seems like the other side is completely at fault, you can count on their insurance company to push back on making a fair settlement offer. Your car accident lawyer will get to work by:

  • Obtaining all evidence from the scene, including accident reports, photos, video surveillance, and eyewitness statements.
  • Gathering your medical records and work with healthcare professionals to calculate your losses.
  • Proving that you have lost income due to your injuries.
  • Negotiating with the insurance companies to obtain a settlement that covers all of your crash-related expenses.

Car Accident Injuries Can Be Devastating

Even though most car accident injuries are relatively minor, please understand that even minor injuries can lead to major medical expenses. Here in California, it is not uncommon for our personal injury attorneys to handle the following injuries in the aftermath of a crash:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • Loss of or damage to a bodily organ
  • Dismemberment or amputation
  • Significant disfigurement
  • Catastrophic injuries that inhibit a person’s daily activities
  • Wrongful death

Each of these injuries requires medical attention, and the expenses can reach the tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), there were more than 273,000 people injured and 3,602 people killed in car accidents during the latest reporting year. Many of these were caused by gross driver negligence.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Ontario

There are various ways in which motor vehicle accidents in Ontario are caused, with many of them involving careless driver actions. This can include:

  • Distracted driving. With the increase in popularity of handheld electronic devices, distracted driving has become more of a problem on the roadways. Some of the most dangerous driving behaviors include text messaging, watching videos on a phone, and talking on the phone without the use of a hands-free system.
  • Failing to follow traffic laws. When drivers fail to follow traffic laws, serious accidents occur. This includes failing to stop at stop signs and stoplights, failing to yield the right-of-way, ignoring crosswalks, and more.
  • Driving while impaired. During the latest reporting year in California, there were over 26,000 alcohol-related traffic injuries, and impaired drivers were responsible for 31% of all traffic fatalities that year.
  • Speeding. The OTS states that there were nearly 90,000 traffic crash injuries as a result of speed-related incidents.
  • Following too closely. Drivers who follow the vehicles in front of them too closely, or “tailgate”, are much more likely to cause rear-end collisions.

How is Liability Established in a Car Accident Case?

Establishing liability in the aftermath of a car accident can be incredibly difficult. You can take several steps in order to establish liability, and you should consider consulting with an attorney soon after an accident occurs.

  • The police report. When the police report to an accident scene, they conduct a preliminary investigation and often determine who they believe to be responsible for the incident. Their report will be used by the insurance carriers, and it can be used in a potential personal injury lawsuit.
  • Videos and photos. Any photographs taken at the scene of the accident, as well as any video surveillance available from nearby homes or businesses, could help establish liability for the accident.
  • Eyewitness statements. Drivers and bystanders who may have seen the accident can provide eyewitness statements on your behalf to insurance carriers or a potential jury in a lawsuit.

It is vital to have proof that the other driver was negligent. There is a good chance that the at-fault driver and their insurance company will try to place some of the blame for the incident on you in order to lower the amount of money they have to payout settlement. We can help you handle insurance claims.

Common Types of Auto Accident Collisions

There are various types of collisions that occur in Ontario that can cause serious injuries to drivers and passengers. Some of the most common collisions that our car accident lawyers deal with include:

  • Rear-end collisions. These incidents occur when one car collides with the vehicle in front of it, and are often caused by inattention, distracted driving, and tailgating. In most cases, the driver that strikes the rear-end of another vehicle will be considered at fault.
  • T-bone crashes. These incidents are often called side-impact collisions. They commonly happen at intersections and can lead to serious vehicle occupant injuries.
  • Rollover crashes. When a vehicle flips over and lands on its roof or side, this is considered a rollover. SUVs are more likely to be involved in rollover collisions due to their higher center of gravity.
  • Head-on collisions. These collisions occur when the front ends of two vehicles collide with one another. These incidents often happen at high speeds and lead to serious injuries or fatalities.

Our personal injury attorneys also handle motorcycle accidents and truck accidents.

We Are Ready To Help Secure Compensation

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car crash that was caused by another driver, you should seek legal representation today. At Montgomery Steele Law, our personal injury lawyers are ready to get you through this entire process. Let our law firm deal with investigating the incident, the insurance companies, and negotiations. Our goal is to secure:

  • Coverage of your crash-related medical expenses
  • Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the negligent driver

If you need a car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling our Southern California law offices at (909) 310-8510. Learn your legal rights today. We also represent San Bernardino and the surrounding areas. For more information about safe driving, check out the road safety guide on the website for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

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